• The lockers are of different sizes.

  • Operations will be allowed during the declared hours of business.

  • Before you leave the Vault, please check that your Locker is closed properly.

  • Nomination facility is available for Safe Deposit Lockers also.

  • You can have an individual as well as joint locker account.

  • Locker will be allotted subject to availability. It is desirable to open an account in the name all of locker holders with our bank.

  • Timing:  10:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M (Monday to Saturday) (2nd and 4th Saturday holiday)

  • Charges:

[HO] >> Small 400₹(Per year) Medium 500₹(Per year) Big 700₹(Per year)

[BR] >> Small 600₹(Per year) Medium 800₹(Per year) Big 1000₹(Per year)

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